Humber College appointed Gillam as the construction manager for a challenging, fast-track, two-phase interior renovation at its main Rexdale campus.

As construction manager, Gillam worked in a collaborative way with the client and consulting team. Gillam attended design meetings during the pre-construction stage, identifying risks and assisting the client in managing budget, schedule and overall construction risks.

The scope of work included demolition, new classrooms and office spaces, new atrium, laboratory spaces and IT rooms. Both phases of work were completed within occupied premises. The work was handed over in accordance with the scheduling of the 2015/2016 school year.

Key challenges included:

  1. Working within an occupied building and on an occupied campus
  2. Working according to a fast-track schedule
  3. Dealing with a plethora of site conditions that are incorporated into the schedule

Assisting with value engineering and strict budget control while pushing forward with a challenging schedule